Source of funding
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Full-time Assistant
Temporary Workers and Other Part-time Assistants
University’s Standards (National Science and Technology Council)
National Taiwan University Postdoctoral Researcher Pay Scale Table
National Taiwan University Project Full-time Research Assistant Pay Scale Reference Table
· 本校計時/計日臨時人員薪資標準
NTU Hourly/Daily Wage Standards for Temporary Staff
· 本校計畫兼任助理及研究獎助生每月支給上限標準表(112.12.15)
Maximum Monthly Payment Standards for Project Part-time Assistants and Research Grant Recipients (as of December 15, 2023)
From January 1st, 2024, the monthly minimum wage is NT$27,470, with a minimum hourly wage of NT$183.
【Note】If the Ministry of Labor announces an adjustment to the minimum hourly wage, the lowest permissible wage shall follow that standard.
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture Subsidy Standards for Postdoctoral Research Talent Compensation (Please refer to the appendix of the Directives Governing Subsidies for Postdoctoral Research Talent by the Ministry of Agriculture and Affiliated Agencies.)
Ministry of Agriculture Subsidy and Compensation Salary Reference Table for Commissioned Project Assistant Personnel (Please refer to Appendix 1-2) 依據行政院公布之113年度各機關聘用、約僱人員酬金薪點折合率為135元
According to the Executive Yuan, the conversion rate for the remuneration salary points for contract employee for the year 2024 is NT$135.
· 農業科技研究發展補助項目與其編列及執行基準表(請參閱附表一之一農業科技研究發展補助項目與其編列及執行基準表)
Agricultural Science and Technology Research and Development: Subsidy Items, Allocation and Implementation Standards (Please refer to Appendix 1-1)
· 計畫預算分類代號與其編列及執行基準表(農業科技研究發展計畫外之其餘計畫)
Project Budget Classification Codes, Allocation and Implementation Standards (for projects other than Agricultural Science and Technology Research and Development Project)
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education Subsidy (Donation) and Commissioned Project Budgeting Standards Table
Ministry of Education, K-12 Education Administration: Special Project Full-time Assistant Personnel Compensation Reference Table
Ministry of Economic Affairs
Budget Allocation Standards for Projects Commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affiliated Agencies
Ministry of Health and Welfare
Scope and Budget Allocation Standards for Science and Technology Category Commissioned Research Projects by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Its Affiliated Agencies (dated March 9, 2023)
Budget Allocation Standards for Social Welfare Category Commissioned Research Projects by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (dated November 20, 2023)
If discrepancies arise due to amendments in relevant regulations or due to constraints imposed by other laws, procedures should be implemented in accordance with the applicable legal framework.