一、專任助理:Full-time Assistant:
Application time: Documents shall be submitted to the Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department (or to the Branch Office of Research and Development, the College of Medicine and the College of Public Health) at least three working days before the start date of employment.
Application method: Please access the University’s Project Personnel Hiring Application System for application. Print out the application form and attach the signed copy of the employment contract, a resume (including a copy of your ID card), and other relevant documents (such as academic diplomas and service certificate from the previous positions) for approval following the procedures.
1. 建教合作研究計畫專任助理聘僱應依本校、合作單位及勞動相關法令規定辦理。
The employment of full-time assistants for industry-academia cooperation projects miust adhere to the University’s regulations and labor laws, the collaborating institutions, and applicable legal basis.
2. 應於聘僱起始日前完成聘僱程序及勞健保加保手續。
Employment procedures and enrollment in labor and health insurance are required to be completed before the start date of employment.
3. 有關勞(健)保及勞退金案件之受理時間規範如下:
The processing times for labor (health) insurance and labor pension cases are specified as follows:
The time for application submission is 4:00 PM everyday.
For insurance enrollment or withdrawal, employees are required to submit their application forms and relevant employment (resignation) documents to the Personnel Department (the Integrated Affairs Division) at least one working day before the start (or end) of their employment period, along with the completion of the employment (resignation) application.
4. 持國外學歷者,影本應經我國駐外單位或其他經我國政府認可之機構或公證人簽證。請參閱《大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法》
Individuals with overseas academic qualifications shall have their photocopies authenticated by Taiwanese diplomatic missions abroad, accredited institutions recognized by the Taiwanese government, or a notary public. Please refer to the “Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education.”
5. 建教合作研究計畫專任助理屬臨時性質,於計畫完成或計畫終止時應即終止約用關係。
Full-time assistants in industry-academia cooperation projects are employed on a temporary basis. The employment shall be promptly terminated upon the completion or cessation of the projects.
6. 到職程序:請參閱「建教合作計畫人員核定報到作業說明」。
Registration procedures: Please refer to the “National Taiwan University Procedures for Project Personnel Reporting for Duty to Sponsored Projects.”
7. 差假如有特殊約定時,請依程序簽奉核准後通知人事室,俾憑辦理差勤系統設定。
If there are special agreements concerning leave of absence, please follow the proper procedures, then notify the Personnel Department to facilitate any necessary adjustments in the timesheet record system.
二、博士後研究人員:Full-time Assistant:
For hiring postdoctoral research fellows under a project: The application method is the same as for full-time assistants. When applying through the University system, please select the job title “Project Postdoctoral Research Fellow.”
For postdoctoral research fellows recruited with funding from National Science and Technology Council (NSTC): When applying through the University system, please select the job title “Contracted Postdoctoral Research Fellow”
1. 法令依據:國科會《補助延攬客座科技人才作業要點》
Legal basis: National Science and Technology Council “Guidelines for the Recruitment of Visiting Science and Technology Personnel with Subsidies from the Ministry of Science and Technology”
2. 申辦時間:隨到隨審,國科會於收件日起 2 個月內核定,注意申請補助期間以 3 個月至 1 年為一期。
Application time: Applications are processed on a rolling basis. The NSTC will finalize decicions within two months of application receipt. Please note that the funding period ranges from 3 months to 1 year.
3. 申辦方式: Application method
The project principal investigators shall register and apply online via the National Science and Technology Council website (Please refer to the “Recruitment of
Science and Technology Personnel”)
After confirmation online by the NSTC, the Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department will compile and submit the documentation.
Notification of approval from the NSTC will be forwarded to the University:
A.同意補助 → 通知計畫主持人確定該博士後研究是否到職。
Approval of funding → Notify the project principal investigator to confirm whether the postdoctoral research fellows have commenced their position.
i.到職:列印申請書契約書稿及其他相關文件,至人事室綜合業務組辦理聘僱手續。(每月 20 日按時造薪水冊,次月中旬前入帳)
i. Commencement of employment: Print the application, employment contract, and other relevant documents, and proceed to the Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department to complete the employment procedures. (Salaries are processed on the 20th of each month, with payments deposited by the middle of the following month.)
ii. Failure to commence employment: The approval letter from the NSTC will be sent to the project principal investigator, who shall access the NSTC website to initiate the appointment cancellation. Upon printing the modification request form with the necessary approvals, the document shall be submitted to the Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department for further processing.
B.不同意補助 → 國科會核定函影本通知計畫主持人。
Disapproval of funding → The project principal investigator will be notified with a copy of the NSTC’s decision letter.
4. 注意事項:國科會延攬科技人才已全面線上無紙化,博士後研究各項申辦均需上線申請。
Notices: The application for recruiting science and technology personnel with subsidies from NSTC is now fully online and paperless. All applications for postdoctoral research fellowships are required to be submitted online.
5. 國科會補助延攬博士級研究人員流程圖
Procedure chart for NSTC funding in recruiting postdoctoral research fellows
三、高教深耕計畫約用專任人員、研究技術人員:Full-time Assistant:
Full-time Staff and Research Technicians under the Higher Education SPROUT Project:
§ (一)承辦單位:研發處企劃組、人事室綜合業務組。
Handling division: the Division of Strategic Planning of the Office of Research and Development, the Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department.
§ (二)聯絡電話:3366-3262
Contact number:3366-3262
Legal basis: The “National Taiwan University Higher Education SPROUT Project Directives for Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Technician Subsidies” and the “National Taiwan University Directives for Hiring Technical Staff.”
Application method: Please fill out the application form and attach the required documents. After processing through the procedures, submit it to the Office of Research and Development for review. The Integrated Affairs Division of the Personnel Department will handle the employment procedures based on the review results. (For detailed application processes and forms, refer to the Division of Strategic Planning’s page of the Office of Research and Development website.)